
What was the English assignment

For English, we needed to create a narrative story that fallowed a common story arc.

For my inspiration for my story, there wasn’t really much there the idea just kinda popped into my head when one day and I just kept building off it when I was writing.

Short story: The Egg Story

Hi, my name is Michael, I’m a 28-year man with brown eyes and hair with a peachy white skin tone. I live by myself in a little apartment and this is my story.  It was a normal day just like any other. I woke up with a hunger in my belly. No, a starving, a craving, an unquenchable feeling of want. I wanted it so bad, it was as if I could taste it. Its white fluffiness and warmth. I skipped down the hall, the craving in my stomach growing. I burst into the kitchen and almost sprinted with excitement to the fridge. In one fluid motion, I flung open the door and reached inside. My heart skipped a beat when I felt the rough outline and texture of the prison that held my treasure inside. I picked it up readying myself for the tasty goodness that lay inside. However, as I lifted it up something was off, the box….it, felt, too light. I quickly took it out, my heart sinking as I did. I opened the ruff lid to the container and as I did, I was filled with dread as my worst fears were confirmed. With a yell, I screamed “MY EGGS! THEY’RE ALL GONE!!!” I started to panic, pacing frantically around the kitchen back and forth, back and forth. “Eggs” I muttered, “store….the store has eggs!”. The thought raised my spirits a bit, as I proclaimed “If there are eggs at the store, then to the store I shall go!!” I ran to my room and grabbed the first two articles of clothing that I saw which ended up being a pair of khakis and a blue, long sleeve shirt. I grabbed my keys and coat, that I had hanging on the wall, and ran out the door. I was on a mission. I was going to find some eggs and nothing would stop me. I arrived at the store and quickly ran inside. It was as if I was an animal on a hunt in desperate search of the one thing I desired. I sprinted down the aisle. I didn’t care that people were staring, nor did I really care about what they thought. All I wanted was my eggs. All I cared about was getting my eggs. I rounded the corner they were all gone! All the eggs, all the brands, gone! not a single one left. I was left standing there in utter shock, my mouth wide open, I babbled, “how…how could they have all been taken”. The thought floated to the top of my head as I thought this must be a nightmare. There was no way this was real, there was no way that the store was completely sold out or that someone had taken them all. I fell to the floor, a teardrop rolling down my cheek. For 5 minutes I sat there thinking “So this is what rock bottom feels like”. I sadly got to my feet and shuffled out of the store “no eggs, no more eggs”. Defeated, I stomped out of the store and down the street, my arms sadly swinging in front of me and from side to side.  I walked, but to where I was walking, I did not know. All I knew was that I was walking without the intention of stopping. I walked for who knows how long. It felt like hours but it was probably only minutes. Time became lost and distorted, it was as if the world had lost its color, noise and motion became a slow blur. As I stumbled down the street to my unknown destination, all of a sudden, as if fate itself had wanted to help me out, a huge gust of wind came out of nowhere and bam!, I was smacked straight in the face with a flier. As I peeled it off, a ting of hope-filled my heart, on the flier it read FARMERS MARKET. “Of course! The farmers market” I thought.  It was as if life had been blown back into me. The world had color again and time started to move at a normal rate. I looked at the location on the filer “wait, this is just a couple of blocks away” I proclaimed “and it’s today.” Filling with excitement, I shouted, “they have eggs at the farmers market!” I took off bounding towards my goal It took 5 minutes of straight running, but I made it. I looked around  “Where are they? Where are they?” I frantically thought. Then I saw them, the stacks of cartons with the white ovals that I loved sitting inside them 12 in each container. I ran up to the man who was running the stand and shouting “I Will take everything you’ve got!” “Everything?” the man said confused and taken back by this outrageous request “I’ll give you two cartons but that’s the most I can give–” “FIVE” I shouted, cutting him off. “Two” he responded “five,” I said, “two, and that’s the final offer” he stated. Reluctantly, I agreed to take only the two cartons. I handed him the money and he gave me two cartons of heaven. I thanked the man then started my long walk back home. I opened the front door and proudly set my bounty on the kitchen counter. as I triumphantly opened one of the cartons I smiled as I said: “I got my eggs”.