Welcome to Deanna's Dominion


Fanime is this weekend! I am so happy that I am going! So after school we have to check into hotel and then go to dinner with my grandparents. Then after we pick my friends up and go to FANIME! I am sooo stoked about this! Last year I was supposed to go with my sister as well but I ended up going to my boyfriends grandparents house near Yosemite. It was fun, but I missed Fanime. This year I went and my friends stayed in my hotel room so we were up till about 2 in the morning for the 3 nights we were there. Well I was up till 2 anyway. One of my friends was up almost all night and my other went to sleep around 4. It was CRAZY! I got a new bag with the anime Death Note on it and I bought 12 buttons that I put on the bag as well.
Ok for Web audio we need to make a song and I got one of my other friends to help me out with playing guitar. In return for helping me and Ana out with it, I got her a poster of her favorite singer...well at least it used to be her favorite and I think it still it, but hey, we'll see.
So fun!




So for the last couple weeks I have been watching Britain's Got Talent and finding new contestants from it. There is this one contestant who can do the Michael Jackson moves VERY well. It was amazing! I just found this one where they are doing something new. It's called Signature. It's pretty crazy. If you go to youtube and search Britain's got Talent Semi Final it should come up. Yay!
There are a lot of others who are amazing and so young and everything. But there are some bad still just like American Idol.
These two guys who were able to do the Michael Jackson moves do normal jobs during the day and practiced dancing at night. From all of the three judges, all three said yes. Awesome!



I just found out about Britain's Got Talent by trying to find some American Idol episode from this week. It came up and I'm like, Britain’s got a type of American Idol too?! I clicked on one of them and it was a 13-year sang Opera. I was shocked because it was amazing! It was amazing! Then I watched this girl, Connie Talbot, a 6-year-old girl. Yes 6! She came and she sang Over the Rainbow. It was great. The breathing needs to be worked on but what do you expect from a 6 year old? It was amazing sound wise! I just found some of the other songs she has sung out of Britain’s Got Talent. Amazing! I can’t say anything else! Dominic Smith was also great. He sang Unchained Melody for his first song on Britain’s Got Talent. So right now you need to go onto youtube and search Britain's Got Talent. You will probably LOVE IT! My mom doesn't really like American Idol but I showed it to her and she was amazed at some of the people on the show. The prize for winning this competition is if you will then you get to perform in front of the Queen in Buckingham Palace. That is a great prize! One of the judges who are judging is Simon Cowell! Yes the judge on American Idol. Yay!


Hell's Kitchen was on this week and so this one girl, Cory, got chosen to select two people from her team to go in front of Chef Ramsay. She chose Jen and Christina. She said for Christina that it was for personal reasons and Jen for some other reason I cant think of at the moment. Cory was being really a b****. I didn't want to say that but that’s the only word that really describes it. I was not exactly shocked at this, but it was the wrong move. It was way too early in the show to start playing hate games but because of the two people she chose, she got over ruled by Chef Ramsay. He thought the two she had chosen weren't as bad as this one girl who really got on Ramsay's nerves, Sharon. She had no idea what she was doing in the kitchen while working with her team. It was really ridiculous. This group of people are really not that great and the prize for the winner is to be executive chef in his new L.A. restaurant. There are only 2 people that I think might be able to succeed. There is this one guy, Jason, who is so sexist. I really, really want to punch him out or make him switch over to the ladies team and have to follow their orders. It is ridiculous, but I don’t think that he will last that long. I hope Cory goes as well, I doubt she will last far with her attitude.


Chef Gordon Ramsay



So one of my favorite shows just came back! Gordon Ramsay's Hell's Kitchen! I love it to death but this first episode really made me mad. I was swearing nonstop at the end of it. I was that upset by it. One of the guys in the show called himself the "Black Gordon Ramsay". He was so conceited it was rediculous! He wanted to be hte leader but he did nothing and just said "I don't want to add more hands over there than needed. you have 6 hands over there I'm not going to get into the chaos." or osmething like that.

The prize if you win is a bit different than the previous competition. This time they are fighting for the chance to be Gordon Ramsays Executive Chef. That is an EXTREME prize!

I made a comment to my mom that I could do better than some of the people there. I was sitting there cringing at some of the people there and how they were acting and working.

I'm waiting to see what will happen this week. -Sigh.-

On s more happier note...I GOT MY COMPUTER! It just came in today and I am so happy! It's all shiny and pretty. The power button is surrounded by a clear ring that turns blue when you turn it on. Yay!

I have a new compouter now so I can do work alot faster. Makes me glad.




Im getting a computer!!! I am so happy I can finally have my own computer with Adobe programs on it! yay! Also I applied to Bed Bath & Beyond. So hopefully I will get a job. BB&B is awesome! It has so much stuff and its sooo cool. All the people who work there seem nice. So I'm hoping i can get a job there.

I've promissed Devin that I would let him come over and help my dad put it together. I want it now! I know what I'm going to put on it for a wallpaper when i get it. Im going to but a Shadow Vessel from B5! I've been watching that non stop for the last couple weeks, It's been crazy!

Oh well we shall see what happens.

B5 has been effecting my mind...I'm serious, it has! I'm having dreams about it, I'm writing weird poetry about it, I'm watching it nonstop, I'm finding wallpaper from it.

B5 is like star trek except not. It takes place in 2058+ So cool! Ok work time.




I haven’t been able to sleep well this week. I'm so sad. I have 3 cats, Sizzle which is like 12 or 13 years old, Spunky who is a little

over 1, and Spaz who is about 2 or 3 years old. Ever night for the last few nights Sizzle comes into my room and sleeps on my bed,

but then Spunky comes in sometime between 230 and 530. For about a half hour Sizzle just growls at him. (Spunky likes to pounce

on her at random times during the day.) So I get woken up at random times during the night...

Oh well! C'est La Vie!

The Under Age Quartet is really good!

Under Age Quartet

My grandma got me one of their albums from last year at regional contest in Calgary. I wish I

went but I couldn't because of school. -tear- And I'm not a member...>.>;;

I finished my post-it thing for class though. That’s a plus right? Haha It has pretty colors like pastel blue, green, yellow and pink. Then

for the picture I used bright green and the SFX is bright pink. It looks CRAZY, but awesome. Ok I'm going to say this right now just to

get it out of my system...Omg! I want to use "lol" and "omg" and "xD" so much! but I cant because this needs to not be like an IM conversation. Alrighty that’s about all I have to say...




On American Idol, it came down to the top 12 and the show had finally gotten the Lennon and McCartney songbook!

All the top 12 finalists had to sing a song form the Beatles. It was pretty good there were only 2 really good singers Tuesday night and

they were David Cook (Eleanor Rigby) and Chikezie (She's A Woman). The others were alright but there didn’t seem to be any emotion

or feeling in what they sang. I was pretty disappointed, but they tried. I don't have too much to say about anything else because life is

fairly dull....

Oh! I rented Hotel Rwanda because I need to get information about different Genocides and compare to the Holocaust for a History

project. I’ve watched about 58 minutes of the movie and it was getting very good but very sad as well. I went to bed and then I had a

dream about sort of like an alternate ending I'm guessing. It was really weird. If I typed it out then it would probably make a 2 or 3 page

story. Yes I remember the details, which is sad. My dreams seem to be rather vivid, it's weird...

Not much else to say, my life isn't as exciting as I thought it would be, but hey I got something to say don't I?

More work! Sigh essay for English is due tomorrow and I am stuck. Oh well life goes on!



This week has been pretty uneventful. I have to do a research project about a piece of architecture that has added to society so I chose

to do Fallingwater in Pittsburg Pennsylvania. Its a building created by Frank Lloyd Wright. It's really impressive because it is made over

a waterfall!

Fallingwater by Frank Lloyd Wright

So I am very excited to do this project.
This week I have been watching Babylon 5 (aka: B5) with my parents. I didn't think it was very interesting because I had better things to

do, but it has gotten much better through the first 4 or 5 discs I have seen. I normally don't like Sci-Fi shows because they usually bore

me, but B5 is rather entertaining. The captain just started gaining his memory back from what had happened during the Earth-Mimbari

war. The Earth-Mimbari war was a war that happened 10 years ago from the time the show takes place in currently. Where the Mimbari (another alien race), wanted to wipe out the Earth and all the creature on it, but something happened that changed their mind and made

them surrender. It’s really crazy, but I want to watch more! :D



And on Tuesday of break, I went up to San Francisco City College in order to take pictures for my project. I was able to eat some of the lunches that the students had made. They have a small nicer dining area in the school and all the students make up different dishes. I
believe everyday they have a new special that one of the students comes up with and makes. That day one of the specials was a BLT
with garlic fries and a New York steak of some kind. I got the BLT and it was extremely good. I was able to take pictures of the way that
they arranged and presented it on the plate. Very nicely done. For dessert I was able to try this mango napoleon while my mom got a chocolate mousse. I was shocked that these dishes came form the students they were amazing! (Pictures below)


Lunch and desert at San Francisco City College


I got chocolate!!! Even though I don't need it...but hey it's good! This coming week we have off! Sweet! I need to go finish taking pictures
for my design project. That’s not too exciting but whatever! Last night I had my boyfriend come over for V-day and I made dinner! It was tastey! I was actually shocked it turned out the way it did. To be honest I don't remember what i made.....wow that sucks.


Actually I wasn't here on 2/8 because I was in Denver but it's getting done!
I had to wake up at 3:45 am on Friday so I could be at the airport at 5:30 am. It was crazy! But it was fun. One of my friends was already there so I wasn’t just sitting there by myself. I wasn't used to waking up early, like 4:45 -5 am but it was really fun. Saturday night I went
down stairs and swam for about an hour. I was surprised that it wasn't very cold. Haha. I got a lot of pictures from Denver and they will be
going up on my Documentary site. I am very excited about making that site. That just reminded me, I need to think of a background

design for my next site. Well time to work!

9 more days till I go to Denver! I'm so stoked about going. 1. it will give me an opportunity to find out about the culinary college and 2. I

can get the pictures and interviews needed for design and web/audio. the only problem is I need to find out form all of my teachers what

I will miss on the day I am out of school. >.< Just looking at the picture below I missed watching NCIS...
There haven’t been many new shows of any of the shows I liked to watch because of the writer's strike. Makes me sad but I understand
where the writers are coming from so I'm not making a big deal of it.


I keep forgetting about these opinions @_@
Woops! So for once I have been watching American Idol, it's pretty funny. I feel somewhat bad for the people who go to sing in front of
the judges but I also feel bad for the judges for having to listen to them, but there were some really good ones this week it's really cool.
I came to freestyle after school almost every day this week in order to finish my animation and book page in time. Getting stressed out!
But I got it done so I can relax this weekend! YAY!


November 1, 2007

NCIS group

Oh my gosh!!! I can't wait till next week. On Tuesday NCIS is on and on the preview for the next episode it shows Gibbs starting to drown.
I really want to find out what happens so badly! The thing is...Gibbs can't die; he is one of the major main characters. If he died then the
show would have to end, which would suck.
On a happier note, I GOT MY LINKS WORKING! Yea that's about it. :D

Home button


Bio button


credo button


Family button


family button


friends button


illustration button


photo gallery button


project button


opinions button


Pictures by Jessica, Izzy and Alyssa