Welcome to Deanna's Dominion




My Credo

I believe in fighting for what you beleive in

I believe in love

I believe in singing what you feel

I believe in listening to others

I believe in family

I believe in teh renaissance faire

I believe in imagination and the ability to create

I believe in making mistakes because that makes you who you are.

I believe in not settling for second best

I believe in trust

I believe in true friends

I believe in right and wrong

I believe that stupidity cannot be fixed

I believe that destiny is nto handed to you. you are the one that can create and change your destiny

I believe that people fear what i they do not understand

I beleive that people hope because they do not see death standing behind them

I belive that if we listen hard enough everythign with age has a story to tell because they have lived while others died

I believe that life is a stage and everyone plays a part.


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Pictures by Jessica, Izzy and Alyssa