Welcome to Deanna's Dominion
krystle and her cousins



















My friends are very dear to me and without them I would probably be a girl sitting in the back of the room being all quiet and shy. Without them I would not be who I am today. In middle school I met some of the closest people that I talk to today. There was Maritza and Krystle who are 2 of my best friends. Now because Kelly and I are not related by vlood I will mention her here as well. I met her when I was in 6th grade when I was first starting to work faire. She was one of my only friends at the time and I really enjoyed hanging out with her and being able to talk to someone without being scared I might say something wrong. In 8th grade I met my boyfriend and I will mention him here because even though we are boyfriend and girlfriend we are friends as well and it is really cool that I can talk to him about anything like I would to my best friends and it doesn’t bother him if I need to ask for help. These are not all of my friends but they are some of the closest ones I have and without them I would have gone insane a long time ago.

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Pictures by Jessica, Izzy and Alyssa