Welcome to Deanna's Dominion

My illustration


October 18, 2007                                                                                   

My piece is an illustration of me dressed up in my Renaissance garb. It resembles me as a different person. I chose this picture out of many of the others that I have taken because this one shows what I look like but also it shows me happy which shows how I feel about being at the renaissance faire. I had just gotten dressed with my new bodice on and I was excited to see what it looked like so I took a picture. Originally I was going to be standing in front of a trailer up at camp like in the original picture, but when I looked at it I thought that me being the main subject looked better. If I had the trailer in the background it would have taken away from the main subject. When looking at this picture I hope people will understand my feelings of being in a different world for 3 months.

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Pictures by Jessica, Izzy and Alyssa