Welcome to Deanna's Dominion


my faire family















My Family


This is a picture of my parents and my Faire mother, Anastasia at Dragon Slayers in Santa Cruz a few years ago.


I have two families, one is my biological family and the other is my faire family. In by intermediate family I have 4 people. There is my mom whose name is Charlotte, my dad whose name is Brian, then lastly there is my sister who is older than me by about 3 years and her name is Alexandra. I love my family very much and they are all just like me, crazy! Just kidding, but we all have our strange moments so it is really fun.


Now onto my Faire family. This family is fairly big because you don’t have to be related by blood in order to be in the family. I will only mention the people who are really close to me. Of course I have my actual parents and my sister, but hten comes in all my faire brothers, sister, fathers, mothers, grandmothers and so on. I have 1 really close sister who is alamost a real sister to me. Her name is Kelly. I have another faire sister whose name is Alex but we call her Izzy. For faire brothers I have Richard and James. Then I have a Faire mother named Anastasia, she has become my faire mother since my mom and her are sisters and that’s just how it ends up working. Now when you look at the family as a whole it is rather messed up but there are reasons for it.

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Pictures by Jessica, Izzy and Alyssa