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Category: Composition

In our weekly photo blog, one of the weekly challenges asked us to take a photo that implements compositional techniques in photography.

Negative Space

Negative Space

This week, we were challenged to take a photo using negative space. I took this photo of the awning in front of the Digital Media room. The negative space created by the sky above helps to contrast the awning that provides shade for those who sit on the couches outside. You can even see that there’s something on the awning.

Center Frame Portrait

Center Frame Portrait

This week, we were challenged to take a center frame portrait that portrayed loneliness. I took a photo of this small, cut shrub. It’s cut to be very short and stands alone with no other planets near it. It sure is a lonely shrub.



This week, we were challenged to take a photo showing balance, but specifically in the “Accidental Renaissance” style. I took a picture of my cat as he was sticking his paw out the door. He really wanted to go outside but clearly couldn’t fit through such a small opening. He could only sadly stick his paw out.

Leading Lines

Leading Lines

This week, we had to use leading lines to show the concept of infinity. This is a photo taken at a hotel in Singapore. The lines created by the guard rail on both sides of the path make the hallway seem really long or even endless.

Symmetry Landscape

Symmetry Landscape

This week, we were challenged to take a photo that showcases symmetry. I took this photo of the roof of a house in my neighborhood, as it showcased perfect symmetry on both sides of the roof.

Rule of Thirds – Motion

Rule of Thirds – Motion

For this photo challenge, we had to take a photo using the Rule of Thirds that showcases motion. This is a photo of my cat in a tree. She was trying to chase a bird that she saw and her stance shows that she is ready to jump to another part of the tree.