
This week’s photo blog assignment was to take an inspirational photo of trash. I immediately thought of an airport junkyard I had seen a few times while riding my bike along the bay trail a few times before.

I also had some older photos of some defunct cars and farming machinery I had taken while up in the mountains that I thought where fitting

Black and White

This Week’s Photo Blog assignment was to take a photo in black and white with the theme of Inspiration. Today was the perfect day to take a photo with this theme because it had rained the night before which had caused the sky to be quite dreary. I rode my bike down to a water way to see if it had rained enough to create water movement. Unfortunately, as you can see, it had not, but I did get some neat photos.

Love Story

For this week’s photo challenge, we needed to tell a love story through photography. I’m not familiar with many love stories so finding inspiration for this task was difficult until I realized a love story didn’t have to be the typical two people falling in love. A love story could be about so much more. This photo was taken at the Animal Assisted Happiness volunteer farm in Sunnyvale California. Every day there, volunteers work to ensure the safety and comfort of the animals, even going as far to provide birdhouses like this one to the wildlife around. If that isn’t unconditional love then I don’t know what is.

Additionally I should add that I enhanced this photo with the tricks we learned in photoshop recently, it really does help maintain the focus of the picture on the birdhouse.

Weight or Mass

This weeks photo challenge was to take a photo that represented weight or mass related to inspiration. While thinking of possibilities for this photo I was reminded of this underpass on one of the bike trails near where I live. I was particularly drawn to this spot because I found it interesting how, despite the tons of looming concrete above, this spot has a quite calm feeling to it. Perhaps its the way nature and human creation mix, or it could even just be the shade from the sun. I personally like it because it reminds me of the place I grew up, the overgrown trees and the dry creek bed have an almost whimsical feeling that I find difficult to explain.

Symmetry Landscape

This weeks photo challenge was to find and photograph a symmetrical landscape. While reading this assignment, I immediately thought of this photo. Though I had taken it a few months before, this image was still fresh in my mind. This photo was taken with a somewhat low quality camera, the image has a distinct graininess to it, though in my opinion it assists the sort of ominous presence that it gives off, and relates it to a style known as Liminal Photography, a place taken out of context.


This week’s photo challenge was to take a photo that told a story of warmth. To accomplish this, I thought back to the summer road trips my family and I used to take in this van. While someone unfamiliar might understandably see this image as strange or even eerie, It reminds me of the late nights of falling asleep while my parents drove us to our next adventure, looking out the windows to see nothing but the night sky and the occasional passing car, with the quiet sound of rain or crickets in the background.