Color Without Color

I had this old Lego set lying around which was called “FreeStyle” which I thought was fitting! Tech Specs: f3.5 1/40 ISO100

Who Inspires You

My grandpa has always been my biggest inspiration. He works incredibly hard on home projects well into old age and is very resourceful. He’s funny and kind but super strong. He likes fishing and playing the guitar, both of which I have taken interest in. Tech Specs: f 1.78 1/150

Fill the Frame

This is a picture taken of my pool. I like the beautiful mix of blue and green colors and how the light creates a subtle pattern when looking down into the water. Tech Specs: f 1.78 1/150

Friends and Family

My dad is a super hard worker and I always let him know how grateful I am for his work. Somehow, some way, he stays organized. Tech Specs: f 1/150 F 1.78


I took a shot of my pool because I always admire the reflections I see from it. I increased the contrast and did various color and highlight tweaks to accentuate the reflection. Tech Specs: f22 ISO250 1/13

Facial Symmetry

I was very interested to see the results of making my face symmetrical. I think I assumed my face already was symmetrical but it is striking to notice the differences. Tech Specs: 1/250 f.16 ISO32

My Culture

My grandfather James Bryson wrote a genealogical book detailing the history of the Bryson lineage. In it is much information about the lives of notable family members and their movements throughout Europe and the US. There are many anecdotes included of recent family members that make it a joy for me to look back and …