Photo Blog Twenty-Nine: Facial Symmetry

Artist of Talking Thyme (Check out @TalkingThyme)

I was hesitant to walk around with my camera at the Mountain View Art & Wine Festival, worried that vendors would shoo me away for asking to take photos, but a lot of them were really generous and let me take as many as I wanted. This photo is of an artist who created Talking Thyme; her booth was full of colorful creations, including resin coasters with plants imbed in them and cutting boards made to look like ocean waves.

In order to create the symmetrical left and right faces on either side of the original, I selected one side of the photo (divided by the center line of the face), deleted it, and horizontally flipped the remaining half of the photo. Placed above a copy of the original and moved to show the other side of the face, the combination gives a semblance of a person who has a perfectly symmetrical face.

The photo was taken at shutter speed 1/256, aperture 4.5, and ISO 100.