Photo Blog Twenty: Rule of Odds

Candlelight on a fish menorah

This photo applies the rule of odds in a doubled sense. There is a total number of seven candles in this photo, and they are sorted into three groups at the left, center, and right positions, which have an odd number of candles each. When I look at the photo, my attention is caught by the group of candles in the center, while the other groups create a nice balance. It’s interesting how the leftmost candle is positioned at a higher level than the rest, balancing the slanted angle of the menorah.

Here is another photo that I wanted to share!

Dancing streams of droplets in a fountain

This photo was taken with a shutter speed of 1/500, an aperture of 5.6, and ISO of 100. I was walking by a fountain after having gotten my first interview recording for the profile documentary project, and my attention was caught by the streams of water shooting up from the fountain’s edges. Water is always great fun to photograph, especially experimenting with different shutter speeds. There are three strands of droplets falling by gravity, about to be swallowed by the black holes below.