Photo Blog Four: Warmth

This sunny photo was taken a few weeks before the rain came! When I miss the warm sunshine, this photo reminds of me summertime and sharp smells. I took the original photo with a shutter speed of 1/200, Aperture 5.6, and ISO 100. I edited the photo in Photoshop using the overlay blend mode at 30% opacity as well as changing the levels exposure from darker to light.









A series of warm, yellow fruits and leaves:

Shutter speed 1/320, Aperture 5.6, ISO 100


Shutter speed 1/320, Aperture 5.6, ISO 100


Shutter speed 1/320, Aperture 5.6, ISO 100

Photo Blog Three: Mood Photo

Trinkets on display

When I saw this display while window-shopping in Half Moon Bay, I snapped a photo for the design of the lamp. Having a felted bird connected to the lamp makes me imagine it to be alive and swinging around its post, like a whimsical gadget. With the lighting and the pale green background, I think the photo creates a playful, hopeful mood of colors against a pale day.

I used an ISO of 400 together with a shutter speed of 1/125 to take this photo, with an aperture of 5.0.

Photo Blog Two: Rule of Thirds

Green foliage in the neighborhood

It was comforting to see this peaceful stretch of garden. I applied the rule of thirds based on the border of the hedges and bushes in the background, and it forms a shaded rectangle in the center of all the greenery. It feels like I have space to contemplate when I stare into the center point of the rectangle.

Although I used an ISO of 200, higher than necessary for the light setting, the light captured by the shutter was balanced out through using a shutter speed of 1/800. An aperture setting of 3.5 made it possible to create a softened background.

Photo Blog One: Self Portrait

Pink n’ green

I saw this intriguing plant on a walk after a tiring day of school, snapping at least 20 photos of it. When I look at this photo, I feel dizzy, as so much of the space is taken up by blurriness. I represent myself using this photo because although parts of my life are prominent and important at this moment – just like the in-focus point of the pink blooms of the plant – it leads away to the fact that so many other aspects of my life are vague, unclear, and undecided. I loved the shadows of the plant against the garden wall in the background as well.

The flowers are half immersed in the light and half immersed in the dark, like me.

To take this photo, I used a fast shutter speed (1/200) and a high aperture setting (8.0). I think that although both of these settings would cause the light captured by the shutter to decrease, the photo still achieved a light-filled appearance through using a Daylight white balance, as well as through the location of the sunlight against the garden wall.