Photo Blog Six: Weight (or Mass?)

Seed pod on the sidewalk

I took a walk on a sunny Saturday and came across this magnolia seed pod. I always thought they were a type of pinecone! I’ve never seen one with as many seeds hanging from it as this one, and I chose to post this photo because I think the subject is very eye-catching. If you’re like my mom, the pod might catch your attention right away by creating an uncomfortable feeling: you want to remove the seeds and pick them off, but it’s out of your reach on the screen. I took this photo using a low aperture to create more focus on the subject and have the background as an afterthought.



Below is another view of the seed pod in color:

Seed pod, View 2

I edited this photo in Photoshop with using the Multiply blend mode at 45% opacity. I think that both the monochrome and color photos have impact on the viewer, and this color version creates more clues to the context of season. Emotion can be more vivid with colors (see John Logan’s Red!).