Photo Blog Twenty-Two: Stranger

A child at play; Bubb Park

Taking photos of people in their natural element is great fun! It’s usually a little awkward to capture detailed close-ups, especially focusing on natural facial expressions, without having the subject notice it, but this photo blog prompt was the perfect opportunity to have fun while going incognito as a photographer. This child was playing in the sandpit with his plastic dinosaur when I was sitting in the grass close by. Lying low on the grass and holding my camera close to ground level allowed me to capture a straight, centered view of the little boy. I think this photo also encapsulates the sense of curiosity and fun that everyone experiences to the greatest level as a child and must fight to maintain as they grow older. I took this photo using an aperture of 1.8, ISO 100, and shutter speed 1/320, using the Cloudy white balance.