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The Evans Cult!

This is my family! Each one of them has influenced me in their own way, for better or worse.

Mom and Dad - They're okay I guess.

My father, Dave Evans, is that guy on the right. He currently works at Cisco Systems as the Chief Futurist (a very prestigious position). He is also a co-founder of Wetware LLC, a ground-breaking company that will soon produce a product to be known as B.R.A.I.N. It's hard to talk about him on this website because the stuff we do together is pretty weird, so I'll just say that he is a pretty swell guy. He cracks a lot of jokes, which is pretty much the basis for my humor. My dad is also pretty nice for most of the time, except when he's not. I'm pretty sure that he is going to read this, so I don't want to say anything toooooo bad. He never give me allowance on time for all my hard work, so I guess he's not perfect. He is far above the average Joe and never stops entertaining me in my daily life, so I suppose it nice having him around. He also takes me out to brunch on occassion so that we bond and whatnot. Overall, I'd say he's a pretty cool dude.

My mother, Sunny Evans, is that gal on the left. After graduating college, she became the editor of a magazine in San Diego for a few years, and later began working at Cisco in customer support. They fell in love at first sight and got engaged 6 months later. I have to say that she is probably the best mom in the entire world and that I am in no way biased whatsoever and anybody who thinks I am clearly doesn't have as good of a mom as I do. She does everything in her power to make sure that I survive - She gives me food, money, and entertainment value, and she also cleans, cooks, and makes sure the house doesn't burn down. She does a lot more than I could ever begin to list on here, so to all those reading just know that she is a pretty cool mom. She has influenced me to make all the right decisions in life, and to always try my hardest. She is probably the only reason I dont' ditch school every day. Also, I know that she will be reading this along with my father, so I may have buttered it up a bit. But she is still pretty cool.

Kyle - I tried to find the best picture I could
This is my brother, Kyle Evans. He previously went to Freestyle, and he later influenced me to join up as well, which is why I am here, typing this. He is currently a student at University of Washington in the rainy city of Seattle. To put it lightly, Kyle pisses me off a lot and he is pretty annoying at times, if not all the time. But now that he is in college, I can talk to him over the internet instead of Kyle forcing himself into my room to annoy me for thirty minutes. To show my love for him, I tried to find the best picture of could of him, which is showing to the left. I would say I got a lot of my current humor from Kyle, who was also very, very sarcastic. I suppose you could also say he was a good influence on me since he once told me not to do drugs and convinced me to join Freestyle. He's not all that bad, but looking back now, he really was annoying. He still is. No offense Kyle, if you are reading this. To conclude, Kyle Evans is a nice guy to everyone except for me, but he is still a good influence considering he got into a good college and doesn't do a whole lot of drugs.
Grandma on the left, and Grandpa on the right

These are my grandparents, Charlene and Jim Geers, who are on my mother's side.

My grandma is the reason why my mother is the way she is today (which is a good thing). She is a realtor alongside my aunt, and the two of them work together to sell the best houses. Whenever my parents leave me, she is the only reason I am able to survive, as she always makes sure I'm eating, drinking, sleeping, doing homework, brushing my teeth, and anything else you can think of. Not only all that, but she always brings interesting conversations to the dinner table whenever she's over. I always know that if I even need something, Grandma is the one to call.

My grandpa is quite the swell guy. It is well known in our family that grandpa and I watch a ton of western movies with eachother, especially ones that involve John Wayne. Whenever I'm staying over at there house, it's a guarentee that we will be watching a western that night. G-pa, as I like to call him, cracks a lot of good jokes whether they are appropriate or not. To sum up my grandpa in a few words, I would say that he is really fun to be around and is always great to spend some time with him, be that through watching westerns or going out to dinner.

Change this header yo!!!