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Web Gems

A Web Gem is a website that I have found over the course of my life that I find either interesting or useful. Some of the websites are well known and I put them here because I believe they deserve any recognition they get. However, some website are not very well known at all, and those that I put up here definitely deserve more views than they have right now. Every week, I add one website to this list in order to keep it up to date. The reason this page exists is because I want to share the website that I love so much for everyone to see. Mr. Flo also says it helps me learn how to properly update something weekly, like a blog, so there's that I suppose.


Added 12/13/13

Buzzfeed is another time-wasting website, like I Waste So Much Time and Reddit. This website could be classified as a "Top #" website, where a lot of the content is lists of best certain things. It also has certain news articles if they are really important or just funny. The website is filled with funny gifs and pictures, along with links to other websites and articles that are humorous. While this website is also funny, it also can feature serious articles and news about important things happening in the world. If you wish to waste some time and Reddit isn't doing it for you, I suggest visiting this website.


I waste so much time!

Added 12/05/13

I Waste So Much Time is a new website I discovered that wastes as much time as Reddit does. The whole website is filled with funny pictures, videos, gifs, texts, and anything else you could waste your time on. The greatest things on the internet all come together to this websites, where thousands of people log onto daily in order to view the newly posted things. Anyone can submit content to the website, which is then evaluated by the website personel, and is then put onto the front page. I Waste So Much Time is a really greate website where you can spend hours doing nothing at all, just the way I like it.



Added 11/28/13

So it turns out that Zombo.com is actually a total lie. Obmoz.com reveals the lies that are indeed Zombo.com. This beautiful website reveals the lies that Zombo.com has held from you and me for so long. Obmoz.com's website is actually a very similar design to Zombo.com, except that it is not filled with lies. This website also has Facebook capability so you can share your love of the website with others. It also has handy links to its lie-filled, rival site Zombo.com. I encourage you to see its encumbering beauty for your own eyes.



Added 11/21/13

Zombo.com is a fantastic website filled with wonder and mystery. No one truly understands the beauty of Zombo.com until they visit the experiene for themselves. I will try to put the magesty into words, but please know that it is very hard to describe the full uncumbering beauty of this website with words alone. Zombo.com is the light that gives your plants life. Zombo.com is the water that feeds your children. Zombo.com is equivelant to a god. Zombo.com will tell you all of life's mysteries without spoiling the fun of living. Long live Zombo.com


This is Why I'm Broke!

Added 11/14/13

This is Why I'm Broke is another fantastic website that lists many cool items and things that are available for purchase on the internet. Some of these items can cost as much as pocket change to your life savings. The amount of items you can find on this site is crazy, and all of the items are things that you can't live without after knowing they exist. Instead of naming the items, I encourage you to click the link and go explore it for yourself, as I don't want to spoil it for you. However, just know that water jetpacks, jellyfish pets, and camera lens coffee mugs do exist on this site. Browse it to your hearts content, and try not to spend every time you have.



Added 11/07/13

Freestyle website is a fantastic website that not many people know about, but should. This great website, created by the one and only Mr. Flo, is a very well designed and interesting site. This site shows off all the amazing things that Freestyle students have created. Some of these creations include other websites, films, illustrations, diptychs, and other exciting things that students put a lot of work into. freestyleacademy.rocks also shows visitors all about Freestyle, including what it is, how to join it, and the benefits of it. The website itself is designed perfectly, crafted by a master web-designer, clearly. Except the one problem with it is that it plays music whenever you open the page, which is very annoying. Yet, it is still a fantastic website that I would recommend to anyone who wants to see what Freestyle, and its students, have to offer.


XGEN Studios!

Added 10/30/13

XGEN Studios is another really good website that I wish more people knew about. What this website does is it host many different web games. There are hundreds of different kinds of games that are all free! Some of them have optional purchases to enhance the game, but you can still play them without paying. There are many different websites that host web games, like Armorgames.com, which I also recommend checking out. However, XGEN Studios seperates itself from the rest by having its own custom games, like Stick RPG. They layout of the website is nice as well, as they show the most popular games on the front page for easy access, and they have a list of all their games that can be organized by name, plays, rating, date added, etc. It's a really nice website that is filled with games that can take your life away! I recommend Stick RPG!



Added 10/23/13

Reddit is the most beautiful site in the entire world. Reddit allows people from anywhere in the world to submit links, which are then voted upon by anyone who has made an account on the website. Links can be either 'upvoted', which means the voter liked it, or 'downvoted', which means the voter didn't like it. Reddit is also separted into many different categories called "subreddits". There are thousands of different subreddits that are all about a different topic; There's a Breaking Bad subreddit, a gaming subreddit, a video subreddit, and anything you can image. And if there isn't a subreddit for what you are looking for, you can easily create one with the touch of a button! Reddit is a great site to kill a few minutes, or hours, or days really. It sucks up your life!

More to come!










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