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Friends of Max!

These are my friends! Whether I hang out with them now or in the past, these guys have influenced me greatly throughout my entire life. Some I still know, some have moved away, and some have just become distant, but all my friends are lifelong friends in my book.

Timothy Morrison - Bit of a weird guy.
Timmy Morrison, or as I like to call him "Tim", is a very strange guy. I have known him since about 3rd grade in elementary school. He has been my best friend ever since. The two of us have gone to the same schools together from elementary to junior high to high school. We play a lot of video games together, which is probably the only time we hang out with eachother outside of school. Because we have been friends for so long, we have both greatly influenced eachother. We both like similar video games, similar food, similar people, etc... Tim has introduced me to many video games that I love, and I'm thankful for that. Even though he's not the most outgoing, he's entertaining to be around. Tim has undoubtedly influenced me the most out of all the people I have met (outside my family). Tim and I still hang out at school everyday with eachother, along with my other buds who would be on this page if I could find any pictures of them. This picture of Tim is the only one I could find, but I think it suits his personality quite well.
Jacob Fisher - Nicest guy I've ever met.
I met Jacob Fisher in 7th grade during my adventures at Egan Middle School. Jacob is a fantastic guy, and I cannot overstate that enough. He's a very funny guy who constantly cracks jokes during good times and bad times. Many of the jokes I have now are based on his. We had many running jokes like his long hair, and we joked about how he did weed all the time, and that he only had girlfriends that lasted for a week, but it was all in good fun. Really, Jacob is a great guy who I hope really makes something of his life. He recently moved away to Arizona after spending 7th through 10th grade with me and our other friends. He can easily brighten anyone's day, and I thank him for making middle school bearable.
Toki Nenoi - He's the one on the left, if you couldn't tell.
I have not seen Toki Nenoi since middle school, around the same time I met Jacob. He moved away back to Japan around 8th grade, which was really disapointing. However, Toki and I were sort of drifting apart from eachother, so even though we were best friends in elementary school, around middle school we didn't talk as much. However, I would have to say that Toki influenced my childhood self tremendously. Everything I did was pretty much with Toki. All the games I played, the classes I had, everything after school, I did it with Toki. He influenced my child-self all the way from 1st to 7th grade. My childhood has influenced the man I am today, as the things I did as a child molded me into the person you see before you. Even though I haven't seen him for years, I can tell you that he is a funny and very creative guys. I wish him all the best in his Japan adventures.
Change this header yo!!!