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10 Things I've Learned So Far

For the 10 Things I've Learned So Far assignment, I was asked to create a list of - suprise surprise - 10 things that I have learned during my lifespan. The 10 things can't be random sayings that I know, but phrases that really mean something to me. Every thing I have learned so far on that list is something that has a story and each one makes me the person I am today. In English class, we created the list in class and later finished it for homework. We later used it as a basis for many other projects, such as the English Media Piece down below. In Web/Audio, we created a podcast for it, with music, pictures, and a voice over of the list. Then we put it onto our websites, which you can see below, both the list and the podcast itself.


  1. Trust your gut.
  2. Don't live in the past. However, never forget the past, for it helps make you a better, wiser person.
  3. Don't spend all your time wondering about what the future may hold. Focus on molding it to your liking.
  4. Time wasted having fun is not time wasted.
  5. While driving, act as if every other driver is trying to hit you.
  6. Never argue with a fool. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
  7. If you tell a lie, stand by it util you believe it yourself.
  8. When faced with the decision between choosing an easy path or a hard path, as long as they reach the same destination, choose the easy path.
  9. Good decisions are great and all, but bad decisions make good stories.
  10. Don't try to find yourself. Great people don't discover their greatness, they create it.

I would say the hardest part of this assignment was the Garageband section. I had never used Garageband before for long periods at a time, and I didn't really understand any of the buttons or what anything did. Luckily, thanks to Mr. Flo, I was able to create a decent podcast using whatever skills I had. I now have a lot more skill on Garageband now, as I had to cut clips, record voices, put pictures on it, add music, and whatever else is on the podcast to make it the way it is. Overall, it was tough but I'm glad I 'pulled through' so that I now know what I'm doing for later assignments.

English Media Piece

For this assignment, which was specifically for English class, I had to take one of the things I had learned so far from my list and make a picture out of it. I took the phrase, "Time wasted having fun is not time wasted." because it was my favorite that related to me the most out of the 10. This assignment relates to the podcast above because it had to be one of the phrases exactly, and could not divert in any way. This one phrase is just a small piece of who I am, and it would take over a million pictures, like the one below, to fully create the collage that is me.

(I apologize for any audio problems with this - Quicktime wouldn't play sound for both ears)

I decided I would take a photo of my computer, where I spend most of my time, and have lots of different windows and games open. All the things on the picture below are what I spend all my freetime doing which waste all my time. However, I believe it is more spending time doing what you like rather than wasting time, as everyone needs a break now and again. For the assignment, we also had to incorporate the phrase onto the picture somehow, so I put it in the search bar of Google, because I think everyone spends a lot of their time on that site.

Change this header yo!!!