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Robby is not your ordinary fellow. He has goals of becoming a broadway Musical star. However, the problem that stands in the way of his ambition is his stage fright. Although he loves singing, dancing, and acting, as soon as he gets on the stage, he freezes. Robby has noticed that if this continues to happen, he will never reach his dreams of staring in his favorite Broadway Musical, Mama Mia. But before he reaches that stage, Robby must find small gigs and slowly move his way up. He decides to audition for The Little Mermaid at his local community theater. As he waits for his turn for his audition as Sebastian, his heart starts pounding. Then he hears his name being called. He steps on to the stage. The spotlights shine at him, warming up his body temperature even more. Will Robby be able to showcase his amazing talents, or will he freeze up again and fail?

To edit this photo, I used a screen mode to make the lights more bright. I turned up the contrast to make the shadpows pop out more. Then I turned up the saturation to give more emphasis on my subject, Robby.

By mayay