Narrative Visual Perspective in English

For our Senior Narrative Unit, we were challenged with the question,

“How well can you apply advanced narrative techniques to build a compelling story?”

‘Values of Generative AI in Academic Education’ by Mia Florendo

In English, taking inspiration from our studies of Butler’s Parable of the Sower, we researched either a social, cultural, political, economic, technological, or environmental issue that influenced our story’s main character, setting, and central conflict. The real-world context helped us develop a more focused and persuasive story for our intended audience. In the end, each of us communicated our vision to our creative peers in a pitch presentation with opportunities for collaborative feedback.

We attempted to approach the controversial topics in our papers by using storytelling strategies, and these research essays had an impact on the worlds and stories that we created in our third quarter. In a group including ArthurK, LexiI, and MayaB, I worked on creating a story on how generative AI continues to advance technology. To go along with our narrative pitch presentation, we planned and produced original visual content.

Worldbuilding Pitch Presentation