My Family


Family Photo at Questa Park

A statement that I highly agree with is that a new born child will grow up acustomed to your family's view point and attitude towards life itself. This is why I have to thank my family for being so positive and for always viewing the glass half full. I know some famalies that are completely disfunctional, and others that I wouldn't even like to call a family, so I am abundantly greatful for having a family that cheers me on through life goals and supports me when I fall. Thanks Guys :)

Glenn Rudolph (Dad)

If there is ever a time that I see an individual lost or looking for help, I almost always approach the person and attempt to become friends with them. For these moments, I have to thank my dad. My dad has provided me with the social aspects to life and all that relates to human relationships. As a child, I would sit for hours on end on a single video game that could keep me occupied for months to come, but my dad would make me explore the outside world. I am thankful for this as without his help, I wouldn't have realized that there is so much knowledge to obtain and so many events to experience outside of a video game. If I ever have a story to tell, whether bad or good, my dad would undoubtadly be the first one in my family that I'd come to. Though we have our agreements and disagreements just as any other father to son relationship, I love my dad and I am thankful for being his son.

Diana Rudolph (Mom)

There's been a lot of occasions where I would finish eating a candy bar while walking down a street, and I would be left with a wrapper. Annoyed that there would be no trashcans nearby, I would attempt to litter on the ground. About five seconds later, I would always run back, pick up the wrapper, and shove it in one of my pockets. The only explanation for these events is because of my mother. My Mom has always taught me the right doings of every subject at hand. She is the reason why I am not and will not ever be addicted to drugs because of her constant reminders of the dangers they possess. If I'm ever down, I come straight to my mom to cheer me up. She listens to every one of my problems I might have and tries her best to see the bright side of all the situations I bestow upon her. I'm very grateful for having such a genereous and sincere person as my mother.

Connor Rudolph (Brother)

My brother has always been known as the successful one of the three siblings. He has acquired a straight 4.0 or higher average on every report card that he's obtained, he's more or less on top of his game, and has the inspiration to help those who are still in their youths attempting to learn something new. For these reasons, I aspire to my brother as he is practically guranteed a happy life due to his hard work ethics as a student in high school. He's one of the main reasons why I go to the gym 4-5 times a week as I strive to become a bigger person, both physically and mentally, than him. No matter what any person says, I would just like to let him know that I AM the more attractive son.

Katelyn Rudolph (Sister)

I'm not entirely sure where to begin on this one. Katelyn is my sister, who is slowly, very slowly, moving towards maturity and futurlistically, adulthood. As the older brother, my mission is to keep her as innocent as possible for as long as possible. On some occasions, my sister and I are simpatico with eachother and actually do some activities such as sports and other physical related exercises. She will never date a boy until she is 18, nor will she ever get married. If she does acquire a boyfriend before this age, we better have a lawyer.