10 Things I've Learned so Far in My Life

In English class, our assighnment was to display 10 different ideas that we have learned throughout our lives, but could not be even remotely cliché. Though a few of mine may be a little cliché, these are all statements that I hold truly to my heart and strive to live by on a daily basis. Because I enjoy making friends, most of the following statements are socially related and are statements about society as a whole. I hope that one day I can own these statements and bestow them upon others in an attempt to help them through problems, bullying and the well being of themselves.

  1. People are like spiders. They are just as scared of you as you are of them.
  2. Our personalities are created through our own life stories.
  3. Keep moving forward; don’t get stuck in the past.
  4. Be a leader not a follower.
  5. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
  6. Don’t brag about something you aren’t yet.
  7. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
  8. Don’t let anyone change your opinions.
  9. Live in the present, not the past; not the future.
  10. Simplicity is the ultimate complexity.


For this project, I have used GarageBand and Flash to produce the final product as seen in the youtube video. I used GarageBand for the 10 things I've learned statements as well as the song. I found that producing with GarageBand is very difficult as the piano is cheap and amplifies random chords, however after some fine tuning within the masterings of GarageBand, the song began to sound better. Flash is by far one of the most complicated programs I've used in a long time as making new frames and scenes that actually work is a lot more difficult than other video editing softwares. However, I am glad we are using Flash now as we will need the experience for our future Animation Assighnments.


English Media Piece: "Conformity is One's Self Betrayel".

We were asked to draw a picture that relates the closest to our subject, however, it had to hold a secret within the picture itself. In my picture I drew a robot, and as I had described before, robots remind me of conformity. Now, this is extremely cliché, so I decided to put in that "secret meaning" as slyly as possible to add immense meaning to the photo. Robots are known for three colors: Black, Grey and White. By adding in a red intena indicating "danger" and a tear drop indicating "sadness", I gave the robot life and the ability to feel emotions. Looking at the photo before, all you could see was a mundane broken down robot, but now, a robot who has a purpose on life and gives meaning to the world.