Title of Illustration


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Explain the assighnment in Design. What was the purpose of the assighnment.

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When the word “conformity” comes to mind, I instantly think to that of a robot, or one who follows basic human functions. In my Personal Essay, I was trying to convey the idea of breaking out of conformity as an advantageous process.This is the reason why I chose a robot accompanied by a spotlight behind it. The robot as I explained previously expresses the plainness and mundaneness that one who follows conformity would hold. The same three colors are extremely repetitious throughout this illustration: Black, Grey and White. This robot represents the boringness, however I still needed to represent how breaking out of conformity can be helpful. The robot’s eyes were originally white, so I decided to add an additional color (besides Black, Grey and White) to the illustration, which happened to be blue. As shown in the illustration, I placed a ray of light behind the robot. I used this object to represent how you would become more noticeable to others, and the “special feeling” you will acquire as I explained in my essay.

The process I used to create this composition was to base everything off the ray of light that shined upon the robot. I began to use a solid black to white gradient to give the robot life using light reflections. The main challenge I faced was giving the robot too much life. I didn’t want people to think that breaking out of conformity was an easy process. Due to this conflict, I made the background, or the radial gradient, a shade that goes from dark to light as it approaches the robot. My main editing challenge was making sure the circles were actually spherical. Lastly, the pen tool slowly became more advantageous to me than a mouse as it was easier to maneuver around the canvas. Overall, I had a great time creating this illustration!