"When I'm 18 I hope to travel to Isreal in search of many things, the most important of which consist of falafel, hummus, and traditional ptitim (Israeli couscous)."

On The Merry-Go-Round

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A diptych is mearly a presentation of two photos placed next to each other. Normally, these photos relate in a certain way, whether that be metaphorically or literally. In design, the goal of the diptych was to portray two truths about ourselves--related or not.

The inspiration for these two photos came from my truth in that when I analyze certain situations, relationships, and people, I make assumptions that are not always right, nor healthy based on those analyses.

My first photo is of a captain’s steering wheel to represent the act of going round and round in my analysis. While I was taking the picture, I had someone else spin it so that the photo would have an element of movement. I wanted to look for an object that goes round and round, never really travels, but that’s decisive and unyielding in its own right. Although the photo was taken at sunset, I decided to edit the photo even more, applying a yellow-ish hue as to make the photo pop.

My second photo is of a pile of dirt with a shovel resting on it, representing how I dig myself further into unhappiness. The set-up for this scene did not take a long time, but deciding the best way to portray the idea did. In the end, I decided to take the photo straight-on, as well as to include the entire shovel. I used a purple-ish hue to make the scene have an air of darkness, so that the feeling of sadness came across. I also thought that the red handle was more defined and helped to make the photo even more striking.