"Founding Farmers is the go-to restaurant in DC. For an area riddled with pantsuits and agendas, they sure know how to kick back with a plate of fried chicken and waffles."

I had never heard of a WebGem before this project, and I think it's safe to say that right now, you're wondering too. Simply put, a WebGem is a site that speaks to you. Whether it's the humor of the site, the layout, or even the pictures--if you like it and it's unique, it looks like you've got something. Below are the specific sites I find interesting, feel free to peruse and enjoy.

December, 2012

I recently discovered One Horse Shy on a regular StumbleUpon tour of mine.This web gem

features a variety of t-shirts, which, good for me, cater to the inner Grammar Girl within each of us. Many of the shirts require a pre-conceived knowlege of grammar including that of journalism, but I promise, every one is designed with intent. I have yet to see a design I'm not fond of or a statement that which I do not resonate. However, fair warning for the more concervative or religious-minded person out there, this website tends to run on the sassy side.

December, 2012

I first discovered Kelly Cutrone, and I'm not afraid to say, while watching America's Next Top Model. Introduced as the opinionated Public Relations guru, I decided to learn a little bit moreabout her. As it turns out, she is a driving force in the industry of fashion, having created her own network of clients through her company, People's Revolution.

While Kelly can be extreme or blunt in some cases, she's not without her wise moments. I love this website because it pays the appropriate attention to this strong women who not only influences and teaches girls and women everywhere, but teaches them to be independent and do what they love.

December, 2012

The school semester is winding down, and with the inevitable holiday anticipationthat fills the


air, so does a likewise sense of panic. As a student, the long nights spent studying for finals and the early mornings used to cram in extra information have only been aided by my one vice: coffee. Americano, latte, cappuccino, mocha, I'll drink 'em all. This website allows you to peruse the goings on in the coffee community while you learn new recipes, tips, and more. The website provides information on how to use different types of coffee presses as well.

December, 2012

In middle school, whenever I was looking for a good book to read,


I would always go to my trusty librarian, who, knowing my personality, would choose the perfect book. Now that I'm in high school, this website, What Should I Read Next, fills the void of an omnicient librarian. All one has to do is enter a book or author they admire, resonate with or have recently read, and the search engien will provide you with a list of books with similar titles, plot lines, or writing styles.

December, 2012

For now, this final website is a humorous one. It contains many pictures of cute animals interacting with


other cute animals. Sometimes when I'm feeling down and need a quick pick up, I go to this website for a laugh and also to remember that it doesn't take much to make someone smile. I hope you enjoy this site as much as I do.


December, 2012


Do you like making your own music? Well this website is for you. Yes, you, the creative, website enthusiest with a hankering for beats and melodies. This webiste, The Incredibox, allows for individual users to experiment with sound and how different types of sounds go together, or don't. Creating your own music on this site is a trial and error process, but one that's well worth it.


November, 2012


I stumbled across this site, coincidentally via StumbleUpon. More interactive online game than website itself, koalastothemax.com offers much more than a normal website ever could. One must roll over the large dot in the center to find out what this site is really about, and once you do, trust me, you can't turn away until you're finished. I love this site becuase it displays a truth about website making that is not apparent to everyone. Yes, webistes are a good medium to bring information to the people and offer services, but more and more they are becoming interactive modern art pieces.


November, 2012


The second web gem features a site that I frequent often. Nectar Clothing contains some of the most instyle pieces, which, when
combined, create some of the most inspiring looks. Their stylists stick to one of the most recently discovered tricks to creating looks: go for the juxtoposition. Long, flowy maxi dresses aren't complete without a ripped jean jacket. Likewise, high wasted shorts are linked forever in matrimony to brown, styled, lace-up boots, with an embored green army jacket. Their prices are good and even more, their website looks great.


October, 2012

This first web gem is featuring a silogotecalled mvhsoracle.com. This website is the online source for articles and photogalleries pertaining to the MVHS community. As the Web Editor, I'm extremely proud of all that the Oracle has accomplished this year, and this website is a tribute to the Oracle community. Articles go up every day or every other day and each is written, edited, and produced by students, for students and parents alike. Topics range from music to politics to everything in between.