"In Italy, traditional pizzas are made with "00" flour, which makes the crust immeasurably tender, and they're topped with the best ingredients--not with the most."

These are some of my closest friends. Not all of them go to Mountain View High School, but all of them are equally and distinctly awesome in their own ways. I adimire each and every one of them, and hopefully through these descriptions you can get to know them too. Over the years, they've helped to shape who I've become, from allowing me to discover my own personality, to encouraging me to also step out of my comfort zone.


It's safe to say that Adriana has been my best friend since the fifth grade. Back when times were simple and our scope of the world didn't really extend to the four corners of the earth--rather, the four corners of Mountain View, she approached me one day in the cafeteria, placed her tray on the table and without breaking eye contact, asked if I was Kate's sister. Since then, we've done everything from watching movies to sharing giant chocolate ice cream sundaes together. In comparison to many other friendships, ours has triumphed the divisive roads of high school.


I met both Haley and Julia at the Girls' Middle School. Julia and I got to know eachother through the extensive entrepreneurial program, where we were paired on a team. Widely creative and artsy, Julia found inspiration for the products while I was team the team leader. Together, we're quirky, weird, and fun, even when we're just hanging out.

Haley is a whole other crazy story. Most of the time she's a goofball and can make me laugh whilst laughs at my jokes even when they're not funny. Yet, she knows when it's time to listen too. Simply said, being around her makes me happy, and knowing that I really know her makes me smile.



One could call Maggie my best friend from my soccer team. Maggie is almost as weird as I am, but our view points are varied enough to where we can still have a fun time just talking. She and I have shared some good times, and with each soccer tournament we go to, I'm surprised by how much I learn. Unfailingly honest and suprisingly introverted, she's a cool gal.

From left to right in this photo: Annika, me, Marie, and Ruby. I met Ruby and Marie freshman year and we instantaniously became friends. Marie's best friend, Annika adds some much-needed calmness to our little sub group. The secret about us is that although we have little time to really hang out outside of school all together, it never feels like we're off-beat or out of whack. These girls are crazy and beautiful and have effervescent personalities, making for the most perfectly balenced group. JewCrew
maggie Freshman year when Maggie and I first met, I would have no idea we would be come such good friends so effortlessly. She's a dancer and can rock any style, as well the vice president of the entire Dance Spectrum group at MVHS. She's quirky and nice, two qualities that, while they may seem generic, are actually quite difficutlt to find in a genuine person. Some things about Maggie though are that she loves clouds and bagels with peanut butter. So really, she's more kid than teenager, but no matter what age she acts, I'm glad to call her my friend.