"I traveled to Kenya to build a school in the small community of Ero Ewaso. The daily meal there is as unassuming and stripped as they come--cornmeal pudding for breakfast and maize for dinner."




The Conductor

In design class we were challenged to create and illustration that portrayed a quality of ours--good or not, and how the certain quality affected our lives in the outside world

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I chose to portray my bossiness and how that relates to the public’s perception of myself. The whistle, the musical note, the stop sign, and bell all represent objects that have a directive quality to them. The conductor stand in front of a fading auditorium filled with chairs, but instead of a plain jacket, the conductor is covered with black stripes. At first though, one might perceive the conductor as black with white stripes--we do not know who they are at first.

Learning to use Adobe Illustrator was very difficult for me. The overall experience was filled with trials and tribulations, but I got the hang of the tools in the end. I used the pen tool to trace the photos and then filled them with the colors. Like learning any new language, one must be patient with the language rules themselves as well as himself. Every component of this picture was made using the pen tool amongst others.