self portrait
web gems
other projects




My dad

The woman pictured here is none other than the Miss Maxine Tsang, my best friend and loyal compadre. She is beautiful and smart but refuses to admit it. We met in 5th grade and became best friends in 7th grade. This was on a three person sleepover where our mutual friend had to leave early. It was one of the most awkward experiences of my life, but it earned me a best friend. We go to different high schools now but stay very tight through our abundance of sleepovers and trips. She does field hockey, plays guitar, takes SAT prep classes as well as several AP classes. I do not know how she balances all of this work but it inspires me to do better. NOW TAKE ME TO LUNCH IN THE TESLA.



My dad

This lovely girl is Julie Tseng. She always wears friendship bracelets, rings, and her keys around her neck. She can often be found painting, playing Resident Evil 4, or studying for the SATs. She is wonderful and loves hugs and rabbits. Her iPod is filled with the most amazing and strange indie music, and she always has something to say.



My dad

Ellie Vanderlip is perhaps the best photographer I know. Maxine and I are convinced she has been taking and editing photos since the womb. We all went to Bullis and then Egan together. She has quite a collection of friendship bracelets; the count is around 12 at the moment. She is always in the middle of a strange book. She draws adorable monsters and people all over her many sketchbooks. There always seems to be an adventure lying in wait when you’re with her.


My dad

See the one looking up all sarcastically there? To the left? He just so happens to be my amazing boyfriend, Carlo. Full name Carlo Manfredi Pio di Savoia. We met in sophomore PE with Mori last year. It took seven months of unsure and awkward flirting but we ended up together, so it was a success. Carlo likes very strange music without lyrics and many things that I dislike. We’re a strange couple but it definitely works. We have four classes together this year but miraculously still manage to pay attention. We text nonstop when we are apart, and over the past six months we have accumulated nearly 40,000 texts. Nothing makes me happier than hugging him. I hope to stay with him for a very long time.


2010 © Sierra Pollock.

All rights reserved.