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In English at the very beginning of the year, we were assigned the task of listing the "ten things I have learned in my life so far" without using clichés. This took a lot of thinking. Once we turned that in, we had to make a podcast of ourselves reading them in Web. This required the use of Garageband and the ISO booth. Using Garageband was not too difficult once everything was recorded. The recording was the hard part. In the ISO booth, there are two fancy microphones, large speakers, and a grey/blue converter box. Walking in this booth is very intimidating and confusing. I had a lot of trouble figuring out all of the technologies, and still do not fully comprehend their proper use. After painstakingly recording myself, I tranferred the file back onto my personal account and created my podcast. Then I found some appropriate pictures and synced them to the voice. Here is the end product:


Things I have learned in my life so far:


1. Taking the mirrors out of your room can really improve your self-image.


2. Mistakes will always be remembered much more than successes.


3. Truly listening to people is a good way to get closer to them.


4. Being a dork is not a bad thing.


5. Copying others only makes you feel worse about yourself.


6. Everything turns out better than expected. Give it time.


7. Listening to sad music while you are sad makes you feel like you are in a movie.


8. To find inspiration, just walk outside. Observe the people; listen; breathe.


9. It takes moxie to admit you are the one at fault.


10. Receiving postcards is a lot more meaningful than anything Facebook can do.


My Artist Statement:


In this podcast, I have reflected on ten things that I have learned in my life. The musical selections to accompany my list are a jazzy bass and drums. I felt that jazz would be an appropriate choice for the reflective mood of the assignment. Each picture is aligned with one of the items on my list and is at least somewhat related to the topic.


Making this podcast required recording myself reading the list I wrote, finding some Garageband loops that fit the theme, and picking out some pictures that worked with the project. I have trouble enunciating, so I hoped that the images would aid in understanding my list and that the music would help to maintain an even mood throughout the reading.

2010 © Sierra Pollock.

All rights reserved.