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web gems



What is a 'web gem' ? A web gem is a random site that I find to be helpful, useful, or just awesome. I will be posting a new one each week for at least a few weeks.


Hulu is a pretty popular website, but I figured I would mention it anyways. In essence, Hulu is very similar to YouTube, except it has full episodes of

a lot of popular shows like 30 Rock, The

Simpsons, Family Guy and a ton of others. Instead of going on YouTube and watching these shows in parts and propbaby poor quality, you can go here and probably find what you were

looking for, all in one video and all in high quality. Along with being much more convenient,

Hulu has been granted permission to have what episodes and shows they have, so it's

not illegal at all. Best of all it's free.

Grooveshark is another online music radio. Unlike Pandora, you can choose which songs to listen to. There are pre-made stations, however, and you can change them to what you like. You can create playlists from the music already present on the site, and you can upload your own music if you cannot find it there. There are several themes to choose from and it feels a lot more personal than Pandora. Sometimes I prefer Pandora though because it's less work, and you can just leave it running in the background. With Grooveshark, you have to put the songs onto the playlist, but at least you get to choose them.

Goodreads is a social networking site based on books. You put books on your 'to-read' and 'read' list, and can rate and write reviews on books. Sadly, there are many preteen girls who enjoy Twilight and write about how 'amazing' it is, so it is well-rated on that site. Looking past that, I have found many books that I later read and enjoyed. These include Looking for Alaska by John Green and The Book Thief. I don't write reviews on the books, but I rate them according to the quality of their writing. Some authors have profiles on the site, but they don't seem to do much. You can search through specialized booklists from the front page, too.


Another well-known website is Pandora. It is an internet radio that allows you to create your own stations and tailor them to your liking. You can make them based on many criteria. I have a Big Band genre station, one based on the singer Regina Spektor, and one based on a song called Her Morning Elegance. You can discover new music through Pandora that you will almost certainly like. If you get sick of songs, you can tell them to play it less often. There is something for everyone on Pandora.


My dad



Lookbook is a site about fashion, photography, and expression. It lets you look through different countries' fashions or by items featured in each 'look.' I don't go on this site too often, but when I do, it is because I am bored with what I wear and want some new ideas. I like the photographic aspect of the site more than the fashion one. In any case, I would recommend it to girls (there are very few boys on the site) who enjoy fashion and photography.


The Onion is a fake online news source. The articles are amusing, and can actually be informative. It pokes fun at how strange our real headlines are, and can make you rethink the world in a way. They also have video reports and a podcast you can subscribe to. Sometimes what they say sounds like it could be true, but be careful what you believe, because nothing on there is true.

Tumblr is a pretty well known social networking/blogging site, but I still wanted to list it. It's a wonderful time killer as well as a tool to learn new things. I like to follow art and comedy blogs mostly, but also some factual ones. I have my own blog, but really only to follow other ones. You can find almost anything here. I am following a blog about the WWII generation, one about pretty foods, and several personal blogs of my friends. When I get bored, I like to read through the Post Secret blog - one dedicated to publishing self-submitted secrets artfully presented on postcards. When I need inspiration, I look at illustrators’ blogs.




2010 © Sierra Pollock.

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