self portrait
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self portrait



My dad

In Design, we were taught how to operate cameras using ISO, aperture, and shutter speed. For our first major assignment of the year, we had to take a diptych (two photos put together) describing a motto of ours.


Here is my artist statement:


It is important to be able to support yourself. I take this theme from my life when I first entered high school only really knowing one person. To show my life before this transition, I took a picture of leaves on a branch in the sunlight. A plant combines energy from each leaf to benefit itself as a whole, so I felt it was appropriate to use one to represent people supporting each other. There is a lot of light in the picture to give a happy and optimistic mood, and the only focus in the picture is the branch. The photo represents my life before high school, when I was always surrounded by friends who kept me sane.


My second picture represents what happened when I left for a school that none of my friends were going to. I photographed a single leaf on the ground under the branch, with the branch in the foreground. To emphasize the lone leaf, or “me,” the picture has a shallow depth of field going past the branch and focusing on the leaf. There is much less light in this picture to convey the loneliness I experienced in my Freshman year. The theme I am demonstrating in my self portrait is that you must be able to support yourself, which I am learning to do.

2010 © Sierra Pollock.

All rights reserved.