Photo Blog #39-The Elements
Photo Blog #39-The Elements

Photo Blog #39-The Elements

Shutter Speed: 1/80, ISO: 100, Aperture: 9, White Balance: Shade

I took this photo in a park, and while taking it I was reminded of how I used to spend hours in the sand making hills and sand-cakes and eating dirt…

I liked the twig and the leaf in the left-hand side because they reminded me of a sailboat, and I wanted to represent the sand as an earthy sea, kind of mixing two elements of earth and water together. But I think ultimately the picture is not that great, because the sand-wave is in the middle of the composition, which breaks the flow of the picture and doesn’t make it look very grand. I think if I had switched the twig & leaf and the wave, the composition would have worked much more nicely.