Author: x



This week our assignment was to show aging through a photo. This was a rock that I found on a hike that had a bunch of fungi and moss growing on it. I thought that it represented different layers and events of time.

No Filter

No Filter

Our assignment this week was to take a photo using no filter. This meant no editing, presets, etc either. I saw these really pigmented flowers and thought they would be perfect for the job.



Our challenge this week was to take a photo showcasing shadow. I found this cool plant that I feel shows a lot of value which is the shading created by light.



Our challenge this week was called Anonymous, left up to our interpretation. I took this photo at the beach and the subject happened to be wearing a reflective jacket. This, in contrast to the sunset behind seemed intriguing to me. I also darkened the profile 

Center Frame Portrait

Center Frame Portrait

This week’s challenge was center frame portrait, so while babysitting I too, a few shots of my cousin Isla and sister Anaïs.

New Beginnings

New Beginnings

Santa Cruz East Cliff

Our photo challenge for this week was new beginnings. I felt that not only a sunset represents this as every time the sun sets/rises it offers a new day along with new opportunities. Also, the way that waves crash back and forth could be interpreted as a clean slate as each wave cleanses and smooths out the sand, removing any prints that were there before.



I visited this area in Henderson, Nevada and found this small room with a bunch of beaten up furniture. The entire room was covered in stickers and notes from random people. While of course there were people that didn’t miss the opportunity to vandalize and 



Simply a picture of the Grand Canyon’s gorgeous structures balanced out with nature and plants.



Huntington Beach

A picture from my favorite place on Earth. This is an HB band called Yourfavoritecolor go check them out if you’d like!

Black & White

Black & White

While I am aware that not the entire photo is black and white, I feel that the contrast shows a different perspective. While the photo could be viewed as gross or even emo, I personally thought that it was interesting and eye catching.