

What is Zenith? The definition Google provided me with states that Zenith is the time at which something is most powerful or successful. I think that is very fitting given that our Zenith is our last extensive project here at Freestyle. We are encouraged to explore a topic that we aren’t familiar with and dive deeper to learn more about it to create a project. For my Zenith project I chose to create an Indo Western brand, AK Designs, that focuses on the fusion between East and West. Ever since I can remember I’ve wanted to become a Fashion Designer. Over the years I’ve sketched a little bit and I know how to sew but I’ve never really applied it to bigger projects. I wanted to include a sewing aspect as a part of my project, so I had two outfits that included things that I made. This was a huge challenge for me and in the beginning I thought that I took on way more than I could handle. When I was conducting my initial research I was too overconfident with myself about what I could do over this short period of time. Once I actually started cutting my fabric and putting everything together did I realize how much work goes into making a garment of clothing. When working on my presentation I referenced the CRAP design principles to ensure everything looked professional. Additionally, when creating my logo I used Adobe Illustrator. A lot of blood, sweat, and tears went into this project and it was SO worth it! I’m so happy with how it turned out and I’m also inspired to continue sewing this summer to create some new things too.

The Process

Completed Project
