
This week’s prompt was, “We live in a world surrounded by geometry. Use geometry in your photo this week.” Initially, I focused my shots on manmade structures with very clear geometrical elements, like squares and triangles. However, the photos were not very interesting to me, though they clearly met the prompt. So, I decided to focus on geometry found in nature. There are lots of geometrical shapes found in plants and even animals, if you look close enough. The photo I landed on for this prompt is a picture of a succulent from above. From the side, it looks like there is no rhyme or reason to the way the plant’s leaves are placed. However, from the right angle, you can see that the succulent’s leaves actually follow the pattern of a snail-like spiral. This reminded me of when my class was taught how to transform and duplicate objects in receding spiral patterns. Those patterns were governed by mathematical equations, and looked remarkably similar to this plant when finished. I would need to do further research, but I am sure there are some mathematical equations relating to the spread of these leaves as well.

(1/800 sec, f/5.6, ISO 400)