Rule of Odds

For this photo prompt, we were challenged to learn about the rule of odds and how it can be useful in our photography. Essentially, the rules of odds is based on the idea of trying to organize subjects in groupings or totals that are odd because it makes the photos you take more appealing to the human eye. When humans see multiple groups of objects in even numbers, the groups end up competing with each other. In photos, this can be unsettling to the viewer’s subconsciousness. Therefore, photographers will try to compose their photos so that the brain sees groups of 1, 3, 5, and similar numbers that aren’t competing with each other. This rule actually works best with groups of 3 and 5. In my photo, I attempted to use the rule of odds by capturing 3 green flowers and 1 ant in the same space. I think that this photo could have been framed better, but I am happy that it successfully shows the rule of odds.

(1/320 sec, f/5.6, ISO 100)