Category: inspiration

in our weekly photo blog, one of our challenges is to take photos of things, people, or places that inspire us.

tell a lie

tell a lie

I try not to lie. But occasionally a lie will just slip out before I can catch it and then I have to perpetuate the lie indefinitely and there was no real reason for it but it’s too hard to explain and I feel like it’s not really a big deal …. I don’t like […]



In an old Chinese legend, an emperor was granted a special pill that would give him immortality. He only had to wait for it to ripen, and then he would live on forever. His wife watched this development fearfully. The emperor was not a nice man. His paranoia of being overthrown caused him to be […]

no filter

no filter

Against the bright blue sky and emerald green trees, these blush pink blossoms are especially striking. What a lovely color for February. Candy hearts and chocolate and love songs and pretty pink flowers. gross. <3



These tiny purple blossoms that make up the larger plant can only really be identified as a whole rather than singular flowers. Their similarity allows them to contribute to this larger, beautiful whole. On the other hand, the white flowers stand out as unique, breaking the uniform beauty of the purple flowers together. I like […]



I took trash to mean things that are ordinarily thrown away. However, I think it is sad to label the envelope above as “trash” which is why I chose it as the subject of this photo. It’s Christmas card season, and every time we receive a Christmas card, I lament the fact that it will […]

black & white

black & white

This week, we were prompted to take a picture in black and white. The day I took this picture, the sky was absolutely beautiful with the sun illuminating the outside edges of the clouds. This caused a lovely contrast of dark and light colors, which I thought would make the image effective in black and […]

weight or mass

weight or mass

For today’s post, we were challenged to take a picture of something to fit the prompt “weight or mass”. The other day, I was walking with my little cousin, and every time she saw a pretty flower, she would stop to look at it. Though flowers have very little physical weight, they hold a lot […]



Today, we were asked to take a photo that represented our mood. After many weeks of smoke, we had a beautifully clear day, so my friend and I took advantage of the lovely weather by working on homework outside and swimming. Before the smoke, I had never thought much of our endless days of blue […]