
a christmas card envelope decorated with an elf and green cursive saying "merry christmas to your whole family"
christmas card season!

I took trash to mean things that are ordinarily thrown away. However, I think it is sad to label the envelope above as “trash” which is why I chose it as the subject of this photo. It’s Christmas card season, and every time we receive a Christmas card, I lament the fact that it will eventually all be discarded. For select special people, I like to decorate the envelopes of the Christmas cards that we send out. It makes me so happy to receive a similarly decorated envelope, such as the one in the image above. So many cards, so many envelopes, all to be considered trash very soon. It’s funny how something that brings us joy in one moment is thrown away in the next, with hardly any feeling of remorse or attachment. (don’t worry I will be keeping this very cute, decorated envelope :))