new beginnings

two pink magnolias

January is my favorite month. Rainy, cloudy, chilly days that make my heart and mind feel warm.

I don’t make any resolutions in January. It is a new year, I turn a new age, and I don’t like to dwell on what I “should” be doing. I like to take walks in the rain, staring at trees and hills and raindrops and puddles. I like to dance outside in my bare feet, feeling the music and grass and dirt and sky. I like to draw in my journal, letting the lines curve and twist and stretch and swirl.

It is a melancholy, contemplative, hopeful time. It makes me want to curl up by a fire with a blanket and tea and just think.

Magnolias bloom in the winter. We have a magnolia tree. I like to look at it outside my window. How amazing that such beautiful, delicate flowers only come alive when it is grey outside, blooming out of dry, brown branches.