
medium sized makeup mirror in front of a white rose bush. the mirror reflects a man and a woman smiling into the distance with a foggy sky and mountains in the background.
my parents 🙂

In this week’s entry for our photo blogs, we were challenged to take a “self-portrait” without taking a picture of ourselves. When I began to think about who I was, family was one of the first (and most important) aspects of my identity that came to mind.

Truly, my parents are two of my best friends and role models. From my mom, I get my love of dance and fashion. From my dad, I get my love of film and storytelling. From both, I get my love of travel, writing, reading, learning, and, more importantly, family. Every time I look in the mirror, I hope to see more of their kindness, intelligence, and wisdom in myself. I hope to continue to grow in their image.