Photo Blog #4 – Warmth

Hawaii 2021

I took this picture of my best friend while we were in Hawaii, a trip that changed my life. Before this year, I never really felt like I was wanted or belonged anywhere. I never felt like I had a purpose in the world around me. This trip bonded me and my friend for life- since then we have become inseparable. On this trip, she convinced me to transfer schools to the one she was at. I was skeptical but after a lot of convincing I gave in. I transferred schools at the beginning of my Junior year, and there I met my best friends. I’m now surrounded by some of the best people you can meet, and i’ve felt loved and wanted every day. I finally feel like I have a presence on this Earth and a purpose to live. I’m so thankful every day for this girl and my incredible friends who have become my family.

Photo Blog #3 – Mood

My Mood

This photo depicts my mood everyday. I passed this truck on my way to school and it made me light up because the motto is what I live by. Everyone is so afraid of being different that nobody expresses what makes them an incredible individual. There is nothing wrong with bring different.

Photo Blog #2 – Rule Of Thirds Motion

Rule Of Thirds

I took this photo at an old motel next to my friends house. I’ve drove down the street over a hundred times but have never noticed the building, which was so strange, almost as if it popped up out of nowhere. In somewhere as high tech and modern as Silicon Valley, these buildings are rare, but hold so many stories within them.

Photo Blog #1 – Self Portrait

Self Portrait Without A Face

This self portrait reflects how I felt in my adolescence. Everything bright and shiny caught my eye and I felt so drawn to light. The ball of light represents the purity of a child and how they see everything with more vibrance.