Water = Life


This week’s Photo Challenge topic was to describe your Culture. I am biracial- White and Native American. Regardless of different ethnic backgrounds, both my parents instilled in me a deep sense of love and respect for nature. My mom loves growing plants, raising chickens, and reducing plastic, and has taught me a lot about reducing my carbon footprint. My dad loves fishing and river/forest conservation- something he grew up doing while living in the Six Rivers National Forest region of California, and participating in the cultural aspects of fishing as a native person. Indigenous cultures across North America and the world believe that water is the lifeline of people- and something that needs to be protected at all costs. With the threat of oil pipelines such as Pipeline Three in Minnesota being put through indigenous land looming over our communities the past few decades, this idea has become even more prevalent. As humanity begins to feel the effects of climate change, we need to continue to protect the water sources, and keep it as pristine and beautiful as the water in the Snoqualmie River (seen above).