
About “Culture Cross”

Our podcast, “Culture Cross,” is about sharing passions and having meaningful conversations with acquaintances — who quickly become friends. Each episode stars a guest who introduces parts of their culture that they have an emotional attachment to. Join us every Monday!

About Us

Chloe Weng attends Mountain View High School and studies Animation at Freestyle Academy. She has been interested in art since she was young, but has more recently developed a passion for math and technology. K-pop proves to be an important part of her life as she has enjoyed countless music videos, interviews, and variety shows these past few years. She finds equal joy in showing her friends and family her favorite videos in an attempt to get them to like the music as much as she does.

Bryn Kelly is a senior at Mountain View High School, and is completing her second year at Freestyle Academy where she is studying film. Bryn is particularly interested in storytelling through various media, a pursuit she has been able to explore both inside and outside of school. Aside from reading, writing, watching films and making them, Bryn enjoys dancing, hiking, doing yoga, playing word games, and studying Spanish. Impacted by her own experience growing up in both California and Ohio and being of mixed-race descent, Bryn is always curious to hear about different cultures and traditions, and the influence of those customs on peoples’ lives. In general, Bryn considers talking to people about things they are passionate about one of the great joys of life.


This Podcast project gives us the chance to experiment with a new form of media that focuses on audio rather than visuals. It communicates stories in a unique way that has a different appeal that some people may prefer. There are countless possibilities and various types of podcasts that we have learned about and listened to while completing this project. After listening to different podcasts, my favorite one is still the ‘Daebak Show’ hosted by Eric Nam, a singer who talks about the K-pop industry and interviews numerous guests. His podcast inspired me to structure mine similarly and conduct mine somewhat casually. I thought it would be fun to discuss a topic that interested me, like how his topics are clearly fun for him, and so I decided to center mine around Kpop.



I valued learning about different topics while conducting research and listening to podcasts to gain inspiration. Through this project, I gained a newfound appreciation for podcasts and have become more inclined to listen to them in my free time. Coming up with a good topic was a little difficult at first, but as I spoke with my peers and explored more podcasts, I realized that anything could make a good podcast, adding to my admiration for this form of media.