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The Mandala project was our second large foray into illustrator, where what we are creating would eventually turn into a physical piece of art!

Mandalas are usually circular, with a repeating pattern of geometric symbols, first created to aid in spiritual development, now we create them to aid in our Illustrator Skills Development. The patterns that we put in related to ourselves, as we are in the reflections unit, but the output could be very broad.

The reason why we use Illustrator is because using the magic of ⭐technology🌠, we can only draw in one section, and it would be mirrored for us! We would decide on the number of sections, and start creating!

Click me to watch the Mandala process!

Artist statement for the colored mandala

When creating the colored mandala, I saw that we could create a mandala with a black background, so I thought that would be cool. One aspect about this piece is there is 2 mandalas, one 16 slice and one 8 slice. this creates a layered effect and you are able to do things you would not normally be able to. Most of this piece is just me trying new things, as this is my first piece made with a drawing tablet. along with figuring out how to combine two layers together, made me grow my illustrator skills a lot.

Artist statement for the BW mandala:

Title: Cats run the world

For my Mandala, We were tasked to create a mandala about ourselves. I think a big part of me is the world that I live in, and i am extra conscious of the earths future and out current trajectory. Another big part of me is my love for cats. In fact, they love me so much they have graciously decided to become my owner! In my peice cats RUN the world, the center, not symmetric part has a frame by frame of cats running around the earth, making it go round. All together, I chose an acrylic light because I think it would make for a great nightlight. If I had to make this again, I would like to ’embrace the shake’ of the light not diffusing perfectly and add some more asymmetry to the project.

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