Photo Blog: Leading Lines

A series of rectangles in a box go in a line from the bottom toward the top and the left.
This week’s prompt was leading lines, so I used a large capacity oboe reed case to show all the parallel lines (explicit and implicit) leading off the frame, as opposed to toward a subject. Though, this photo lacks interest and questions how worthwhile it was.

Photo Blog: Symmetry/Landscape

Blurry street with palm trees on the sides, with various lights throughout.
This is a photo of a large open walking road at SJSU. I wanted to use a lack of focus to get a nice effect out of the various lights, but I think the lack of those lights made the effect very underwhelming- there is also no focal point that is very obvious.

Photo Blog: Motion in Rule of Thirds

Shows a ghosting image of a boy, walking into the street at night. The street has no cars in it.

This shot was meant to capture motion, while using the rule of thirds. I tried to show this in afterimages of myself, while approaching a point which is a third in from the left- I did this by leaving my camera on a tripod, and cranking the shutter-speed pretty far down.