Author: <span>x</span>

Tell a lie

This week we were tasked with telling a lie using our camera so I took this photo of these two abnormal looking raccoon patches. Or is it just one patch? Which one is the real …


This week we were tasked with telling the story of a stranger. One day I was walking through my grandparents’ retirement village admiring the fantastic lawn defenders, and I saw these two Deer staring at …


This week we photographed what serenity means to us. I took this photo of rain hitting a glass table because I am quite fond of the rain. There is something about the sound of rain …


This week we were tasked to take a photo using lighting and our speedlites to our advantage. I still have a lot to learn about using speedlites but I eventually got to take this photo …


This week we were tasked with telling a story of aging through a photograph. I decided one of the best ways to accomplish this was to photograph some native experts on age, my grandparents. They’ve …

#No Filter

This week our theme was ‘#NoFilter’ which meant no editing the photos or using filters of any kind. As I have mentioned before I’m a fan of trees, they are quite awesome and majestic. So …

Negative Space

This week we were tasked with making a landscape that uses negative space. I photgraphed this tree, mainly because I really like trees but I think it also looks nice and dramatic with the blue …


This week we were tasked with telling a story through shadow so I photographed this hook. What is this hook and what is its story? Its actually not even really a hook. Its a fire …


This week’s theme is anonymous. While I was uploading some files to the computer last week I heard a loud hiss from outside. I booked it outside as fast as I could and found two …