Story Telling


Golden retriever dog, close up of face and neck, the dog is looking off into the distance
Who is this?

This week we were assigned to tell the story of a stranger, through just a picture. Seemingly impossible challenge, but thats what these are all about! Pushing and pursuing our thoughts and imaginations. So here is what I came up with is a picture of my dog, Rocky. Now he is pretty old but still acts like a puppy. Though he may not be a stranger to me, and sure I could tell you his story based on how I see it through my eyes, animals can’t communicate by words to humans. So in reality Rocky can be seen as a stranger. I chose to take this picture of him because I find all dogs not even just my own do this thing, this look where they perk up their ears and they maybe tilt their head a bit with their eyes focused on something very specific. It is in these moments I always wonder, what are you thinking about right now? Through this image we can see that Rocky is somewhat alert based on his ears and his upright laying position instead of his head down, we can also see some emotion in his eyes and eyebrows somewhat in a pinch. From this I can gather that he is curious about something.

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