16. Shadow


To communicate an action through only the silhouettes cast by shadows is to strike an essential balance: if the silhouette in question is too simple, the resultant “scene” will be formless and vague. However, if the silhouette is too detailed or defined, the point of the exercise- telling a story through simpler mean than usual and to the same dramatic effect- would be nullified. So what, then, is an appropriate action that is not too vague but not too complex, and that would also make for a compelling visual narrative?

I arrive on a smack in the face. With the generous help of some associates, I was able to capture the exact moment of impact during which a blow was landed right on an unsuspecting target’s face. I believe there is a great sense of motion and energy in this composition and it is all told through the lense of the absence of light.

I’m quite proud of this photo, and quite appreciative of my friends who made it possible to capture.