17. Negative Space


Negative space has many uses in composition- it can separate different “regions” of a design, emphasize a focal point or element of interest, or even convey a sense of isolation, emptiness or serenity. With this photo challenge, I wanted to lean into that last one, and capture a quiet, tranquil nature scene.

The sky, at least during midday and with minimal cloud coverage, tends to be quite homogeneous in color. This fact in mind, I used the clear blue sky as the negative space of my composition. All that was left was to find something visually striking that also stands out against light blue; that wasn’t very hard to find. The lonesome tree, in front of some faded, faraway mountains, penetrates the negative space. In so doing, it actually brings emphasis to it, making the whole composition feel airy and spacious.

I think this photo perfectly captures the feeling of a cool wind gently tugging one’s hair in a quiet meadow.