42. Small vs Large

A Port in Portofino

This photo depicts a small port town in Portofino, Italy. The town, despite seeming large and encompassing to those in it, is nothing but a speck when compared to the vastness of the ocean that stretches out just beyond it, stretching boundlessly into the horizon. The town is also dwarfed by the surrounding natural landscape, its cramped position between hilly peaks making it seems even more infinitesimal when compared to the scope of the planet.

The theme of small and large is reemphasized by the small boat skimming its way across the sea in the background, painting a barely perceptible white wake over a carpet of blue. Many such boats are docked at the port, but they look as small as insects in the enormous landscape.

ISO: 800 Aperture: 2.0 Shutter Speed: 1/500